Sunday, August 9, 2009

You Are Never a failure!

As a child you are told to go after whatever you dream of.
You may want to be a Princess or a professional football player.
You have self-confidence that no other person will be better at that job than you.
You feel good!
Than you try out for a football team and you sit on the bench 90% of the time.
Or you try to be a princess and you find out you have to be a royal family member.
You have failed. You are a Failure.

You just made quarterback of the greatest team and are in the Super bowl.
You just were pronounced CEO of the magazine “Poise.”
You feel good.
Then your team is counting on you to throw the touchdown when you trip, you lose the game.
Or you don’t fill the complete quota because a marketer just canceled.
You have failed. You are a failure.

You are a parent and have done everything in your power to raise your daughter well.
Or you are a child who’s head of the class, Teachers Pet.
You feel good.
Then you have her boyfriend over and are astonished by her choice.
Or you have a test that you studied for and forgot all about your science homework.
You have failed. You are a Failure.

This is how many people feel, a failure in all times of life. If you can remember, as a child hearing, go after whatever you dream of. Maybe you feel you have failed at that dream, but that isn’t all the saying tells you. The saying tells you to keep your head high and not to give up. A failure at one thing isn’t a failure at everything. Keep trying!

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