Monday, June 7, 2010


Come in all different arrays,
Their colors, shape and size amaze.
By the brook looking old and bare,
Cottons grew like lightning struck hair.
Pines so bushy,green and bright,
hike up the hillside to bathe in the sunlight.
Aspens so tall and wise,
their yellow leaves perfect the disguise.
Maples look chivalrous and strong,
they complete the area they are scattered along.
Shrubs and Yearlings are weak and small,
but soon they will shine among them all.


In the glimmering sunshine of the morning rise,
I was amazed by gods beauty, flashing through my eyes.
It was like viewing a 3 dimensional story book,
All the trees and shrubs were scattered along the brook.
On the back end supporting the valley, like rusted old blocks,
were rolling hills of vast color, covered with dirt, trees and jagged rocks.
The colors all scattered in the suns scorching rays,
the green mass of trees, scattered around like a maze.
Peaking out from the hills head, to grasp the cool air.
Were the snowy mountain tops, spectacular yet bare.
This road was once traveled by wagons or horse,
now a road is paved through this awe filled course.

Thank you all,
I wrote this on my way to Ellensburg WA. Coming toward Missoula MT!